Today we integrate storytelling with art, seeking to engage community members to share our own personal stories, allowing us to do it in the way we want it to be done, seen and heard. This adds our voices to the larger collective narrative that makes us uniquely Lao American. It acknowledges the work of Lao American artists already sharing their own stories while giving voice to those who cannot do so for themselves, in the hopes of healing the scars of war and beginning the process of regular intercultural, intergenerational exchanges.
Our story
It started with one Lao artist meeting another Lao artist. Then another, and another, until we realized we were all telling similar stories though our work - work that had been recognized in the arts world, and that although reflected our culture and community, did not actively seek to engage the very people who inspired it. Until now.
Your Story
We'd like to hear from you! Our online submissions page page is where stories live. We're looking for anything and everything - all stories are welcomed. Just send a picture with as few or many words to describe who, when, where and what's happening. If you're not sure, feel free to get in touch with us and we'll help you out.
Meet Manila and Kris, the Brooklyn-based duo behind #IEatLaoFood. For our very first House Guest Series we took a trip to Manila's childhood home in Syracuse, New York, where Kris' first taste of his mom's steamed fish became her favorite Lao dish and where his father has turned the house into a mini-museum of their family history. Watch their video below.