How a Gun, a Curfew And a War Shaped This Love Story

We recently came upon this story via It's the 60-year-old love story between Bouasambhon and Siphrachanh. A tale filled with French influence, Lao royalty, a gun, a wedding that takes place after curfew and ends with a trip to Paris -- all based on the real-life events of the long happily married couple. As if the account of their journey to be together wasn't fascination enough check out the vintage photos that accompany their real life romance. As the French would say L'amour!

Laos in the 60's, we can't get over the style - the car, the clothes, the hair!

Laos in the 60's, we can't get over the style - the car, the clothes, the hair!

Here the groom's father is taking a shot of a drink to prove his son is worthy of entering the house of the bride. In the custom of Lao weddings, the bridal party will ask for bribes to enter, and offering a shot of alcohol is not uncommon.

Here the groom's father is taking a shot of a drink to prove his son is worthy of entering the house of the bride. In the custom of Lao weddings, the bridal party will ask for bribes to enter, and offering a shot of alcohol is not uncommon.

The bride and groom sit for sukwon, the thread-trying ceremony, which binds them together as one.

The bride and groom sit for sukwon, the thread-trying ceremony, which binds them together as one.

Read the full story of Bouasambhon and Siphrachanh here.

catzie vilayphonh